27-th september
08:30-12:30 | The series of the official meetings of the German delegation with government institutions and organizations of Uzbekistan |
13:00-14:15 | Gathering and registration of the participants |
14:15-16:30 | Grand opening and 1-st session CARO-2019 (Tashkent, 7 reports, including official greetings and reports of international organizations, government institutions of Uzbekistan and Germany) |
17:00-19:00 | Transfer by tourist bus of the congress participants to the mountain-resort complex “Layner” (Chimgan, Tashkent region) |
19:00-20:00 | Check-in of the congress participants in the mountain-resort complex “Layner” |
20:00-22:00 | Official dinner, greetings of congress organizers and official partners, concert program. |
28-th september
06:30-08:30 | Breakfast |
09:00-11:10 | 2-nd session CARO-2019 (Chimgan-Layner, 6 reports) |
11:10-11:30 | Coffee break, negotiations at the exhibition area |
11:30-13:00 | 3-rd session CARO-2019 (Chimgan-Layner, 4 reports) |
13:00-14:00 | Lunch |
14:00-16:10 | 4-th session CARO-2019 (Chimgan-Layner) divided in two sections: * R – section “Radiation therapy” (6 reports) * F – section “Medical physics” (6 reports) |
16:10-16:30 | Coffee break, negotiations at the exhibition area |
16:30-18:00 | 5-th session CARO-2019 (Chimgan-Layner) divided in two sections: * R – section “Radiation therapy” (4 reports) * F – section “Medical physics” (4 reports) |
18:00-19:00 | Open session. Negotiations at the exhibition area |
19:00-20:00 | Free time |
20:00-21:30 | Dinner, concert program |
29-th september
06:30-08:30 | Breakfast |
09:00-11:10 | 6-th session CARO-2019 (Chimgan-Layner, 6 reports) |
11:10-11:30 | Coffee break, negotiations at the exhibition area |
11:30-13:00 | 7-th session CARO-2019 (Chimgan-Layner, 4 reports) |
13:00-14:00 | Lunch |
14:00-15.00 | Summarizing, adoption of the resolution Congress closing ceremony |
16:00-18:00 | Evening transfer of congress participants to Tashkent |
18:00-22:00 | Departure of foreign congress participants from Tashkent |
The second Central Asian Radiation Oncology Congress CARO-2019 was held on September 27-29, 2019 in Tashkent (ITC conference hall located in the Uzexpocenter) and Tashkent region (Chimgan mountains, Layner mountain resort complex).
The congress subject is – «Experience and perspectives to master world achievement in radiation oncology in Central Asia»
106 experts participated in the congress, 53 from Uzbekistan, 17 from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, 13 from Germany, 23 from Russia, Belarus, Turkey, as well as from such countries producing high-tech equipment as the USA, Great Britain, Sweden, Japan. At 7 sessions of the congress, 50 reports were heard, incl. 12 reports were made by representatives of Uzbekistan, 19 – Germany. Separate sessions of CARO-2019 were devoted to medical physics, nuclear medicine, training, private projects and PPP in the field of high-tech medicine.
The organizer of CARO-2019 was OPASCA German Oncology Solutions GmbH with the support of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Leo Gunter
The German Embassy in Tashkent, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
Доклад:Welcome speech

Bakhodir Yusupaliyev
The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, First Deputy Minister
Доклад:About the state and prospects of development of the oncological service of Uzbekistan on the
basis of international cooperation
basis of international cooperation

Alexej Swerdlow
Доклад:Integrated development of healthcare infrastructures on untapped markets based on the transfer of justified experience and attraction of high-quality expertise from Germany

Artyom Pokachalov
Progressive Medical Service
Доклад:Development of the project of the German Oncology Clinic in Uzbekistan

Frederik Wenz
University Hospital Freiburg, CEO
Доклад:Welcome speech (in video format)

Alexander Chernyaev
Moscow State University, Department Chairman
Доклад:Training and retraining programs of medical physicists for nuclear medicine

Elena Mun
German Corporation for International Cooperation (GIZ), Manager on health education component, GIZ project
Доклад:Welcome speech

Odiljon Akhmedov
Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center of Oncology and Radiology of The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Chief doctor
Доклад:Achievements and perspectives of the fight against cancer in the Republic of Uzbekistan

Marnitz-Schulze Simone
Director of Department of Radiotherapy, University Hospital of Cologne
Доклад: Multidisciplinary concepts for gynecologic cancer patients

Victor Kim
D.Sc. Chairman of the Radiological Council of the Kazakh Research Institute of Oncology and Radiology
Доклад: Organization of the radiation oncology service (radiation therapy) in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Markus Buchgeister
Management of German Society of Medical Physics, German Society for Medical Physics
Доклад:“asics of risk analysis in radiotherapy

Zafarjon Huseinov
General Directorate of the Republican Oncological Center of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Republic of Tajikistan, Director
Доклад:Achievements and prospects of development of radiation oncology in the Republic of Tajikistan

Ekta Jhala
Varian Medical Systems
Доклад:Ethos therapy – At Adaptive Intelligence Solution

Steve Tait
Xstrahl, Regional Sales Director
Доклад:X-Ray radiotherapy in oncology

Natalia Gordeeva
UE “Adani” (Belarus), Head of Radiation Therapy Department
Доклад:ADANI TERAD 200: a customer-oriented solution for surface radiation therapy in Central Asia

Rakhat Aralbaev
Kyrgyz Scientific Center of Oncology and Hematology
Доклад:Status and prospects of the National Center for Oncology and Hematology of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic

Volker Steil
Head of Medical Physics, Department of Radiation Oncology University Medical Centre of Mannheim
Доклад:Operate a department of radiation oncology on an international level

Marat Khodjibekov
Tashkent Medical Academy
Доклад:Prospects of the radiotherapy development in Uzbekistan

Elke Mann
Eckert & Ziegler BEBIG GmbH, Area General Manager
Доклад:Eckert & Ziegler BEBIG – My Partner in Brachytherapy and Radiation therapy

Michael Götz
Доклад:PTW Corporate Presentation

Marc Munter
Medical Director, Clinic for Radiotherapy and Radiation Oncology
St. Catherine’s Clinic, Stuttgart
St. Catherine’s Clinic, Stuttgart
Доклад:“Current concepts in radiation oncology in the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer”

Nils Wegner
Head of Medical Physics, Clinic for Radiotherapy and Radiation Oncology St.Catherine’s Clinic, Stuttgart
Доклад:Towards a new era in clinical workflow management – redefining the patient’s role

Vladimir Vorotnikov
Clinic for High Medical Technology named after N.I. Pirogov, St.Petersburg State University, Surgeon, Oncologist, Ph.D.
Доклад:Radiation therapy in treatment breast cancer

Suvsana Talybova
Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center of Oncology and Radiology of The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Доклад:The practice of applying of modern technologies in RSSPMC

Thomas Klingebiel
University Hospital Frankfurt an Main
Доклад:Current and future role of the University Hospital Frankfurt

Holger Wirtz
Private Center for radiotherapy – Singen & Friedrichshafen, head of Medical
Physics, Lake Constance Radiation Oncology Center
Physics, Lake Constance Radiation Oncology Center
Доклад:Practical Riskmanagement in modern
adiation Oncology
adiation Oncology

Merdan Fayda
LIV Hospital (Turkey)
Доклад:Stereoscopic Radiotherapy of the Brain

Ilkhom Sadikov
Institute of Nuclear Physics of Uzbek Academy of Sciences, Deputy Director of the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Доклад:Radioisotope production at the Institute of Nuclear Physics of Uzbek Academy of Sciences

Malika Khodjibekova
FSBI “Russian Scientific Center of Radiology and Surgical Technologies named after ac. A.Granov” of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, D.Sc., Radiologist of the Department of Radioisotope Positron Emission Tomography
Доклад:PET/CT imaging in neuroendocrine tumors

Florian Kamp
Medical Physicist, Department of Radiotherapy and Radiation Oncology, Ludwig-
Maximilian University Clinic of Munich
Maximilian University Clinic of Munich
Доклад:Comparing the workflow of online adaptive MR-guided radiotherapy (MR-LINAC) to conventional image guidance

Martin Wadepohl
Dr. Sennewald Medizintechnik GmbH
Доклад:Hyperthermia: the 4th Column in Oncology

Sergey Bayankin
Sverdlovsk Regional Oncology Clinic
Доклад:SBRT in modern radiotherapy

Takhira Khikmatullayeva
German Corporation for International Cooperation (GIZ)
Доклад:The experience of the school of pediatric radiology in training of nurses to work on high-tech diagnostic devices

Aleksey Arapov
OPASCA GOS Central Asia, CEO
Доклад:State and development trends of high technologies of radio oncology in Central Asia

Botir Daminov
Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, Rector
Доклад:Internationalization of higher medical education – a way to improve the quality of training of specialists

Iliyas Balagazy
National Oncology Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Head of Strategic Development and Monitoring
Доклад:About the development concept of the National Scientific Oncological Center of Kazakhstan as an advanced oncological institution at the level of world standards

Irina Bocharova
Elekta Limited, United Kingdom, Oncology Sales Manager
Доклад:Qualification of medical physicists for modern radiation therapy: vendor’s view

Aydzhamal Kurbanova
Turkmen Scientific and Clinical Center of Oncology, radiologist
Доклад:State and prospects of development of radiation oncology in Turkmenistan

Ziyadakhon Irmatova
OPASCA GOS Central Asia
Доклад:Experience of specialists training for radio oncology in Uzbekistan

Ibragim Tashkentbaev
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan, deputy chairman – Head of the Department of Radiation and Nuclear Safety
Доклад:Welcome speech

Amir Ubaydullaev
OPASCA German Oncology Solutions GmbH, Germany, Project Manager
Доклад:Concept of the German Oncology Clinic in Uzbekistan: project solution of the University Hospital Freiburg and OPASCA German Oncology Solutions

Surmava Alexi
Canon Medical Systems
Доклад:Clinical CT Applications of Canon Medical Systems in Oncology

Anar Kystaubayeva
Center for Tomotherapy and Nuclear Medicine «Үміт» (Kazakhstan), Medical Director of the Hospital Complex of Tomotherapy and Nuclear Medicine «Үміт», PhD
Доклад:Tomotherapy – implementation experience in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Agzam Usmanov
New Life Medical
Доклад:The first experience of using PET-CT in oncology diagnostics in Uzbekistan

Ravshan Izamov
National Chamber of Innovative Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Chairman
Доклад:Opportunities and perspectives of innovative development of healthcare of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the aspect of international and regional cooperation

Adam Mitchell
The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, Senior Radiotherapy Physicist
Доклад:Implementation of MR Radiation Therapy in clinical practice

Alena Zverеva
Minsk city clinical oncological center, Belarus, Head of Radiotherapy Department
Доклад:SRS/SABR: clnical and practical aspects of application

Guli Mansurova
Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center of Oncology and Radiology of The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Доклад:The use of brachytherapy for cervical cancer with complicated bleeding
«Experience and perspectives to master world achievement in radiation oncology in Central Asia»
The Second Central Asian Radio оncological Congress CARO-2019, held on 27-29 September 2019 in the Republic of Uzbekistan, gathered 106 participants. At its sessions, 50 reports were heard and issues of improving cancer services, system organization of cancer institutions, best clinical practices and the latest technological solutions in the field of radio oncology were discussed. Due to the large number of reports, the development of medical physics and nuclear medicine, as well as targeted training of radio-oncology personnel, were highlighted in separate sections. An important role in ensuring the high professionalism of the Congress was played by the large-scale participation of German specialists, who presented 19 reports.
According to the results of CARO-2019, the expert community of specialists in the field of radio-oncology of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, as well as Germany, Russia, Belarus, Turkey, representatives of leading manufacturers of equipment in the field of radiation diagnostics and therapy states the following.
State activity and private initiative in the development of high-tech means of detection and treatment of cancer is growing in Central Asia. The region is increasingly recognized as a real and promising market in the field of radio oncology by both manufacturers of modern technological complexes and carriers of clinical experience.
As a result of the first CARO-2018 Congress, accompanying its publications in the press, the exchange of information within the medical community, public and private medical subjects became an “explosive” interest in the possibilities of effective treatment of cancer with radiation therapy by the highest state authorities, the generation of large-scale business projects in this field. However, with the understanding of the technological and clinical complexity of radiotherapy, the intention to accelerate the implementation of such projects has been replaced by more cautious approaches based on the need for comprehensive, consistent solutions.
Within the framework of country management in health care in the region, a systematic experience of national cancer control strategies is being formed at a high state level. In particular, the Government of Kazakhstan has adopted and is implementing a comprehensive cancer control plan for 2018-2024, and the President of Uzbekistan has approved a set of measures to develop cancer services and improve cancer care for the population for 2017-2021.
Following Kazakhstan, where in 2010-2015 a basic park of 12 modern linear accelerators was formed in its cancer centers, and in 2018-2019 a new program of installation of 10 more accelerators until 2024 was launched, an important practical step was taken in Uzbekistan, where in 2018-2019 in Tashkent in the Republican and city oncology centers two high-energy linear accelerators were installed and launched into the treatment process. Kyrgyzstan also signed a contract for the supply and launch of two linear accelerators at the National Center for Oncology and Hematology in 2020.
At the national level, the need has been recognized and the process of formation of holistic projects of modern oncology institutions, implemented on the basis of advanced foreign clinical competence and international standards, has been launched. Such projects include the German Oncology Clinic in Uzbekistan, which is being established on the basis of the competence of the University Clinic of Freiburg and OPASCA German Oncology Solutions (Germany), the new National Scientific Cancer Center of Kazakhstan, which is the competence of the Medical Center of the University of Pittsburgh (USA) and the Vinci Construction Grands Project (France), and the Center for Nuclear Medicine and Radiation Therapy at the Institute of Nuclear Medicine of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, which is the competence of Integra and Vamed (Germany). In Turkmenistan, a new bicycle cancer hospital in Dashoguz is being designed at the current level.
The development of modern radionuclide diagnostics capabilities in the countries of the regions, in particular PET scans, which enable early detection of cancers, is of great importance. Private clinics are active in the field of nuclear medicine in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan: the Sunkar Oncology Centre in Almaty, the “Ymit” Centre for Toma Therapy and Nuclear Medicine in Nur-Sultan (Astana), the New Life Medical PET centres in Tashkent and the Clinical Sanatorium named after Fedorovich in Tashkent.
The medical efficiency of high-tech radio-oncological equipment is limited by the fact that manufacturing companies, providing technical tools, do not set the task and do not ensure the transfer of clinical competence. This is the reason for the deadlock in the purchase of high-tech “iron” with short-term briefings from manufacturers without investing in the full training of personnel, defined, in particular, by IAEA standards.
There is no satisfactory verification of the professions of “medical physicist” and “radiological technician/nurse-radiologist” in the region, and there is no system of higher and professional education in these specialties that meets international standards, in particular, IAEA recommendations. Accordingly, full training of relevant personnel can be carried out mainly at foreign sites. An example of this is the successful training of medical physicists for private clinics in Uzbekistan at Moscow State University in 2019.
Installation of high-tech radio-oncological equipment in the countries of the region requires the development and implementation of information systems for clinical process management and follow-up of oncological patients, the lack of which today causes difficulties in the storage and transfer of patient radiological data, the integration of local clinical systems of public and private medical institutions into the unified system of state level.
The establishment of a public-private partnership and the introduction of unified mechanisms for paying for public and private clinics on a “for the treated case” basis, the first experience of which is being formed in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan, are of prospective importance for the development of radio-oncological services to the population.
To consider it extremely important to develop holistic national cancer control strategies in the Central Asian countries with a focus on the priority development of high-tech radiation oncology, proportional investment in equipment and full training of personnel, transfer of relevant clinical competence from the countries of advanced medicine.
To ensure the effective development of oncology services in Central Asian countries, use opportunities for regional cooperation, as well as bilateral cooperation with countries of advanced medicine.
As a guideline for such targeted cooperation, support the initiative of the Plan of Assistance to the Systematic Development of the Oncology Service of Uzbekistan for 2019-2024 from Germany with the possibility of its expansion to other Central Asian countries.
Support the development and implementation of projects in Central Asian countries of modern high-tech oncology centers as flagship clinics of regional importance, involving advanced foreign expertise (Germany, USA, France).
In view of the acute shortage of personnel and competence in the field of radio oncology in the region, the Congress proposes:
– Include in the national classifiers of the professions of workers and employees of the Central Asian countries the specialties of “medical physicist” and “radiological technician/nurse-radiologist (radiotherapy technologist according to the IAEA classification)”;
– Initiate the creation of interconnected regional training centers of radio-oncological profile with the mandatory support of leading manufacturers;
– apply to the German Society for Economic Cooperation (GIZ) for co-financing of the activities of the regional radio-oncology training center in Tashkent and support of internships for medical physicists of Central Asian countries in the leading oncology centers in Germany for 3 years starting from 2020;
– to apply to the Federal Agency for the Commonwealth of Independent States, Compatriots Living Abroad and International Humanitarian Cooperation (Rossotrudnichestvo) for allocation of 10 budget target places for Central Asian countries in Master’s Degrees in Medical Physics: Lomonosov Moscow State University (5 places) and MEPhI (5 places).
To develop communications with foreign expert communities in the field of radio-oncology by joint efforts of regional experts – participants of the Congress – to prepare and send for publication expanded information about CARO-2019, the state and prospects of radio-oncology development in Central Asia in journals:
– “Medical Physics” is a publication of the Association of Medical Physicists of Russia;
– “Zeitschrift fur Medizinische Physik” – publication of German and Austrian Society of Medical Physics, Swiss Society for Radiobiology and Medical Physics;
– “Der Onkologe” – Springer Medizin (Germany).
Taking into consideration the successful experience of CARO-2018 and CARO-2019, to support the initiative of OPASCA German Oncology Solutions on the annual convening of the Central Asian Radiation Oncology Congress with the invitation of the leading regional and foreign experts and providing for the expanded participation of specialized specialists of the Central Asian countries in this forum, which will accelerate the transfer of best practices to the region, the formation of concepts, holistic solutions of national strategies, practical clinical forms of development of high-tech cancer care.
Convene the third CARO-2020 Congress on October 2-4, 2020 and in the course of its preparation to initiate discussion of the possibility of institutionalization of a public association of specialists in the field of radio-oncology in Central Asia.
When forming the CARO-2020 program, to provide for increased attention to the problems of children’s oncology, as well as the digitalization of clinical processes.
To send information about CARO-2019 with its working materials, this resolution and invitation to CARO-2020 to the Ministries of Health of Central Asian countries.